B4J Question B4XPages: don't open new window


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Is it possible to configure B4XPages not to open a new Window for each page that is shown?


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That isn't exactly working as I want... this CLOSES the first window and opens a NEW one. Can't we simply show the contents in the SAME window? Like in the Android & IOS apps?
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Klaus, I'm talking about B4J here and this is absolutely not the behavior I see. Each page is a separate window (in Windows anyway).
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Longtime User
I'm "pretty" sure you want to achieve that in a B4XPages project, but in the rare case that you don't, you can try the project I'm attaching.

Otherwise I think it is necessary for Erel to make the necessary changes to this case.

[I also tried using
B4XPages.GetManager.TransitionAnimationDuration = 0
(along with my previous suggestion)
but that doesn't fix the problem]


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