Android Question B4XPages - NotFoundException error


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Hi All,

I have a B4A that uses the ZBarCodeScanner library which works flawlessly.

I have created the same app using B4XPages and in the B4A component of B4XPages I get "android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Resource ID #0x0" error.

Both apps are being tested on the same Samsung A4 tablet.

As far as I can see I have setup the manifest editor exactly the same on both versions and both apps have access to the same libraries.

Any ideas as to where I might look to find the problem?



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Longtime User

probably not related with B4XPages, this user had the same issue and B4XPages didn't exist.

take a look to this post:
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Try to upload a small project that reproduces your issue.
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The problem is to do with the following.

Please take note of the xml files in the /Objects/res/layout and Objects/res/values folders of the B4A project should you start a new project from scratch.

In the B4XPages B4A app the /Objects/res/values folder isn't created.
Instead /Objects/res/values-v14 & /Objects/res/values-v20 are created but this appears to cause the missing resource error.

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