Android Question B4XPages & shared constants


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Hi all,
within a B4XPages framework (from @Erel) app I need to share some (app) global constants. For example:

    Public Host As String = ""
    Public WSNodeURL As String = Host & "/node/"
    Public WSFormat As String = "?_format=json"

I need to access them within all B4A and B4i components (modules, services, instanced classes). So I need a single and reliable point of access within both platform (Android and iOS).

Within B4A app I can use "Starter" service to set the above public constants.

How I can set this within a cross platform application in order to refer to a single point of access for the above constants (so I can call "Starter.WSNodeURL " within B4A and B4i without code changes between the two platforms ?
Can I create a "Starter" code module within B4i and reference them like I do within B4A with "Starter.WSNodeURL" ?

'B4i Code module
Sub Process_Globals
    Public Host As String = ""
    Public WSNodeURL As String = Host & "/node/"
    Public WSFormat As String = "?_format=json"
End Sub

Thanks in advance for your precious help


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Thank you for this great tip

So for example. Can I assign in this way ?
#Region  Service Attributes 
    #StartAtBoot: False
    #ExcludeFromLibrary: True
#End Region

Sub Process_Globals
End Sub

Sub Service_Create
    Public AppGlobals As clsGlobals
    B4XPages.GlobalContext = AppGlobals
End Sub

So, in B4A, it makes sense to assign it in the starter service.
What about B4i ? Where to assign it in a secure (alway accessible) way within an iOS App?
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