Trying to make you forgive me for that my wrong answer...
Public Sub SetSeekBarHeight(Bar As B4XSeekBar, Height As Int, ChangeBaseHeightToo As Boolean, ChangeBaseWidthToo As Boolean)
Dim Ratio As Float = Bar.mBase.Width / Bar.mBase.Height
Bar.Size1 = Height * .9
Bar.Size2 = Height
Bar.Radius1 = Height * 1.1
If ChangeBaseHeightToo Then
Bar.mBase.Height = Height * 3
End If
If ChangeBaseWidthToo Then
Bar.mBase.Width = Bar.mBase.Height * Ratio
End If
End Sub
The above code has two problems:
1) I don't know how to change the corner radius (
2) B4J - if after changing the size of
mBase in that way you change the size of the form, the B4XSeekBar looks... at least bad! (mBase reset to its original size).
If "no one"
finds a solution, delete the two "If" blocks and the two Boolean parameters.
P.S. Changing mBase size cannot be enough, the other components should be then resized too; I tried also setting Base_Resize as public method but without success.