Being in the UK our date format is dd/mm/yy but for purposes of sorting etc it is easier to US the US format of mm/dd/yy
my problem is that we are used to the other way around and my user get confused easily.
I would like to be able to simply show DD MMM ie 16 April on the displayed column. this should not affect the sorting etc.
Dim BoothColumn As B4XTableColumn = B4XTableBookings.AddColumn("Booth", B4XTableBookings.COLUMN_TYPE_TEXT)
BoothColumn.Width = 80dip
Dim DateColumn As B4XTableColumn = B4XTableBookings.AddColumn("Date", B4XTableBookings.COLUMN_TYPE_TEXT)
DateColumn.Width = 80dip
Dim TimeColumn As B4XTableColumn = B4XTableBookings.AddColumn("Time", B4XTableBookings.COLUMN_TYPE_TEXT)
TimeColumn.Width = 50dip
i hear you and would normally agree. But changing the date format made my table go skew.
not to worry i have worked around it and bypassed the sort process.