On the first page, the numbers equal or lower than 115 are in red, the rest higher than 115 on the same page are in black as expected. When I move to the 2nd page, the color remains red despite the values are larger than 115
If Erel or our Jewish friends read this, Happy Hanukkah
Sub B4XTable1_DataUpdated
CreateCustomFormat(x) 'works for 1st page, then breaks down after that, even when I add sleep(0)
End Sub
Sub CreateCustomFormat (c As B4XTableColumn)
Dim formatter As B4XFormatter
c.Formatter = formatter
Dim range As B4XFormatData= c.Formatter.NewFormatData
range.TextColor = Colors.Red '100 thru 115 are red, rest black
c.Formatter.AddFormatData(range,100, 115, True)
End Sub