I would like to change the cell color of a column based on this content. For example, if the cell contains the character string "test", display the background of the cell in red. I would like to try and start from this sample exemple code "CreaterCustomFormat" (that sounds like a good start to me). Thanks for your help.
I would like to change the cell color of a column based on this content. For example, if the cell contains the character string "test", display the background of the cell in red. I would like to try and start from this sample exemple code "CreaterCustomFormat" (that sounds like a good start to me). Thanks for your help.
[B4X] B4XTable - Cross platform, sortable, searchable, customizable table
B4XTable is a paged based table. The UI is made of a horizontal xCLV. The data is stored in an in-memory SQLite database. How to use? 1. Add a B4XTable with the designer. 2. Add the columns: B4XTable1.AddColumn("US County", B4XTable1.COLUMN_TYPE_NUMBERS) B4XTable1.AddColumn("Name"...
Private Sub CreateCustomFormat (c As B4XTableColumn)
Dim formatter As B4XFormatter
c.Formatter = formatter
Dim Negative As B4XFormatData = c.Formatter.CopyFormatData(Positive)
Negative.TextColor = xui.Color_Red
Negative.FormatFont = xui.CreateDefaultBoldFont(16)
Negative.Prefix = "("
Negative.Postfix = ")"
c.Formatter.AddFormatData(Negative,c.Formatter.MIN_VALUE, 0, False)
End Sub