Do you want something like this?
following example...
I love this way of searching my tables of dbs... actually i was thinking put that code as snippet - for helping other users create a better search for their databases... Search with LIKE and "AND" is favour for all !
Add a view to layout: searchtextfield (b4xfloattextfield) - Generate member..., also if you want it more analytic add a button (name it btnsearch ...swiftbutton) too..
'add those at class_globals:
Dim SQLsearch As String = ""
Dim SQLtable As String ' the table you will show/search...
Dim SQLargs As List 'the args can be the all the columns as you can see in this example... auto-creating....
Dim sql1 As String ' here can be the column/fields of table you wanna show for example: id, customername, telephone, email
Private Sub searchtext_EnterPressed
End Sub
Private Sub btnsearch_Click
If searchtext.Text.ToLowerCase.Trim.Length>0 Then
Dim searchtocolumns() As String = Regex.Split(" ",searchtext.Text.ToUpperCase) '...i like uppercase all letters... i am doing that when writting to db too... especially at sqlite databases... because of limitations they have...
Dim newargs As String
Dim sb2 As StringBuilder
Dim rs As ResultSet = datadb.ExecQuery("SELECT " & sql1 & " FROM " & SQLtable & " LIMIT 1")
For I = 0 To searchtocolumns.Length-1
For K = 0 To rs.ColumnCount-1
sb2.append("upper(").Append(rs.GetColumnName(K)).Append(")").Append(" LIKE ?")
SQLargs.Add("%" & searchtocolumns(I).ToUpperCase & "%")
If K<rs.ColumnCount-1 Then
sb2.Append(" OR ")
End If
If I<searchtocolumns.Length-1 Then
sb2.Append(" AND ")
End If
SQLsearch="SELECT " & sql1 & " FROM "& SQLtable & " WHERE " & newargs
LoadData 'a sub that you will load all values of database you want to a b4xtable - there are many examples.... using sqlsearch... ofcourse there are many other ways....
' ...here you can show all your records...
End If
End Sub
How it works in runtime... when user writing for example two words: JAMES HOTMAIL --> this will show all rows have fields containing JAMES
and HOTMAIL.. you can change to
OR by placing a swith or selecting or by default... if the user give 3 words or 4 words... will automatically create different
Hope it helps... ofcourse before use this example you must search and know how to show an sqlite (or mysql, ms sql table) to b4xtable...
ps: datadb is an SQL... sqlite/mssql/mysql already loaded/initialized...