Noticed with B4XTable that you can delete rows of the underlying memory table but that there seems to be no way to make this show properly in the table display. So, although the deleted rows don't show any data there still are the same number of rows and also pages.
In the provided example I ran this code at the end of Activity_Create:
'this does delete table rows, but doesn't remove pages or display rows
B4XTable1.sql1.ExecNonQuery("delete from data where rowid > 100")
And that demonstrates the problem. I call it a problem as it would be nice if the display could be adjusted
according to the deleted rows.
Is there a way to do that?
Not had a proper look at this (B4XTable) yet, but it seems the table display is only set by .SetData with the provided list. Would it be possible to add the option to set the data directly with SQL and setup the display from the table data rather than from the list? I think this would be very useful.
Or am I overlooking something, and can this be done already?