I needed multiple turtles on a screen, moving independently.
Off like a Herd of Turtles
Off like a Herd of Turtles
Sub Globals
Private xui As XUI
Private Turtle As B4XTurtle
Private trackLoading As Int
Private nTurtles As Int = 3
Private frames(nTurtles) As B4XView
Private Turtles(nTurtles) As B4XTurtle
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Dim w As Int = Activity.Width
Dim h As Int = Activity.Height
Dim xOffset As Int = 0
For i = 0 To nTurtles - 1
frames(i) = xui.CreatePanel("")
Activity.AddView(frames(i), xOffset, 0, w, h)
Turtles(i) = Turtle
End Sub
Sub Turtle_Start
If trackLoading = nTurtles - 1 Then 'only do this when loading is finished
Dim vertical As Int = 200
For i = 0 To nTurtles - 1
Dim thisTurtle As B4XTurtle = Turtles(i)
thisTurtle.MoveTo(200, vertical)
vertical = vertical + 100
End If
trackLoading = trackLoading + 1
End Sub