I am over whelmed, you have done a huge job in answering my question. It's early morning here so I am yet go through the detail.
One small point, puting the views in my example makes sense but in the real situation not practical.
To put the question in context here is the brief history. I did not include it in the original post as I thought it may confuse the question
1. I was after a way to improve the inadequate EditText cursor
2. Not surprisingly Erel had the answer. [Create Resource stuff in the Manifest and some code] It worked very well for the cursor, colour and size.
The code:
Dim x As XmlLayoutBuilder
x.LoadXmlLayout(Activity, "layout1")
Dim et As EditText = x.GetView("edittext1")
Activity.AddView(et, 20dip, 20dip, 200dip, 50dip)
In my project the EditText is existing and created in the designer.
My version of Erels code:
Private xcursor As XmlLayoutBuilder
xcursor.LoadXmlLayout(Activity, "layout1")
Idisplay = xcursor.GetView("edittext1")
Activity.AddView(Idisplay, Rdisplay.Left, Rdisplay.Top + Rdisplay.Height, dmiddle.Width, Rdisplay.Height)
Idisplay created by the Designer is removed and recreated in code.
This Idisplay can be positioned X&Y but not Z. This led to my question on moving views back&forth.
The original Idisplay was Colors.Transparent successfully. The new Idisplay appears to be semi-transparent after Colors.Transparent.
Solve one small issue, create two more. Erel's improved cursor works so well I would not like to lose it but it is only a small issue and there is a limit on how much time you spend on small issues.
Thanks again for the detailed answer, I will work my way through it later today.
Regards Roger