Android Question BA Object and others


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Longtime User
Hello folks. I'm still digging into the depths of library development. And here I am desperately looking for documentation, tutorials etc. that describe the BA object and its methods. I am also looking for the parameters of raiseevent, raiseevent2 etc. and also here for documentation. I keep finding new facts when researching, but then unfortunately little or no further information. If someone could tell me where and how I can get this and such information more quickly, I would be very grateful.

William Lancee

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
If you haven't done so, download all the guides from the Learn->Guides Tab at the top of this screen.
I use the BasicLanguage booklet all the time.

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William Lancee

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
I also do a lot of experimenting:

    Dim o As Object = 3
    Log(o)        '= 3      Log automatically converts things to strings, if it can

    Dim s As Object = "A"
    Log(s)        '= A

    Dim l() As Object = Array(o, s)
    Log(l(0) & TAB & l(1))        '= 3    A

    Dim a As List
    a.Initialize2(Array As String("XXX", "YYY", "ZZZ"))
    Dim x As Object = a
    Log(x.As(List).get(0) & TAB & x.As(List).get(1) & TAB & x.As(List).get(2))  'since objects don't know how to get
    '= XXX    YYY    ZZZ
    'Objects don't have any methods other than the casting method: .As()
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