Android Question Baffling bug with ConvertObjectToBytes

RB Smissaert

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
I am storing SQL statements in a SQLite database and these in these statements there are some other non-SQL actions as well, such as stating the produced data types. Currently I have these actions in the comment of the SQL, but this has some drawbacks, so I am changing this to storing these actions separate as a Type. So, for that purpose I wrote a Sub that does this change. It serializes the type, so I can store it in SQLite as a blob.
There need to be a reference to B4XCollections.

Sub Process_Globals()

    Private ser As B4XSerializator

    Type tSQL_Extra(strData_Types As String, _
                    strChart_Title As String, _
                    strChartLine_Names As String, _
                    strSQLForDate_Line1 As String, _
                    strSQLForDate_Line2 As String, _
                    bRun_Chart As Boolean)

End Sub

Sub TestSerialize()

    Dim strSQL As String
    Dim strInsert As String
    Dim RS1 As ResultSet
    Dim iStartPos As Int
    Dim str As String
    Dim arrBytes() As Byte

    Dim iPosDataTypes As Int
    Dim iPosChartTitle As Int
    Dim iPosRunChart As Int
    Dim iPosChartLineNames As Int
    Dim iPosDateLine1 As Int
    Dim iPosDateLine2 As Int

    Dim iKey As Int
    Dim iEndPos As Int

    strSQL = "drop table if exists TestX"
    SQL1.ExecNonQuery (strSQL)

    strSQL = "create table TestX(SQL TEXT)"
    SQL1.ExecNonQuery (strSQL)

    strInsert = $"select id, numeric_value from num_values /*>>>>I,R<<<<Serum vitamin B12{{{{}}}}B12*/"$

    strSQL = "insert into TestX values(?)"
    SQL1.ExecNonQuery2(strSQL, Array As String(strInsert))

    RS1 = cConn.SQL1.ExecQuery("select SQL from TestX")

    Do While RS1.NextRow

        str = RS1.GetString2(0).SubString(iStartPos)
        Log ("TestSerialize, str: " & str)
        iStartPos = str.LastIndexOf("/*")
        Log ("TestSerialize, iStartPos: " & iStartPos)
        str = str.SubString(iStartPos)
        Log ("TestSerialize, str: " & str)

        iPosDataTypes = str.LastIndexOf(">>>>")
        iPosChartTitle = str.LastIndexOf("<<<<")
        iPosRunChart = str.LastIndexOf("{{{{")
        iPosChartLineNames = str.LastIndexOf("}}}}")
        iPosDateLine1 = str.LastIndexOf("%%%%")
        iPosDateLine2 = str.LastIndexOf("££££")

        Dim OM As B4XOrderedMap = B4XCollections.CreateOrderedMap

        If iPosDataTypes > -1 Then
            OM.Put(iPosDataTypes, 1)
        End If

        If iPosChartTitle > -1 Then
            OM.Put(iPosChartTitle, 2)
        End If

        If iPosChartLineNames > -1 Then
            OM.Put(iPosChartLineNames, 3)
        End If

        If iPosRunChart > -1 Then
            OM.Put(iPosRunChart, 4)
        End If

        If iPosDateLine1 > -1 Then
            OM.Put(iPosDateLine1, 5)
        End If

        If iPosDateLine2 > -1 Then
            OM.Put(iPosDateLine2, 6)
        End If

        If OM.Size > 0 Then

            'sort the OM by string position
            OM.Keys.Sort (True)

            For i = 0 To OM.Size - 1

                iKey = OM.Keys.Get(i)

                If i < OM.Size - 1 Then
                    iEndPos = OM.Keys.Get(i + 1)
                    iEndPos = str.LastIndexOf("*/")
                End If

                Dim t2 As tSQL_Extra

                'If the type members are set like this all works fine!
                't2.strData_Types = "I,R"
                't2.strChart_Title = "Serum vitamin B12"
                't2.strChartLine_Names = "B12"
                't2.bRun_Chart = True
                't2.strSQLForDate_Line1 = ""
                't2.strSQLForDate_Line2 = ""

                'Type tSQL_Extra(strData_Types As String, _
                     '           strChart_Title As String, _
                     '           strChartLine_Names As String, _
                     '           strSQLForDate_Line1 As String, _
                     '           strSQLForDate_Line2 As String, _
                     '           bRun_Chart As Boolean)

                Select Case OM.Get(iKey)
                Case 1    'data types
                    t2.strData_Types = str.SubString2(iKey + 4, iEndPos).Trim
                    Log ("TestSerialize, t2.strData_Types: |" & t2.strData_Types & "|")
                Case 2    'chart title
                    t2.strChart_Title = str.SubString2(iKey + 4, iEndPos).Trim
                    Log ("TestSerialize, t2.strChart_Title: |" & t2.strChart_Title & "|")
                Case 3    'chart line names
                    t2.strChartLine_Names = str.SubString2(iKey + 4, iEndPos).Trim
                    Log ("TestSerialize, t2.strChartLine_Names: |" & t2.strChartLine_Names & "|")
                Case 4    'run chart (boolean)
                    t2.bRun_Chart = True
                    Log ("TestSerialize, t2.bRun_Chart: |" & t2.bRun_Chart & "|")
                Case 5    'date line1 pos
                    t2.strSQLForDate_Line1 = str.SubString2(iKey + 4, iEndPos)
                    Log ("TestSerialize, t2.strSQLForDate_Line1: |" & t2.strSQLForDate_Line1 & "|")
                Case 6    'date line2 pos
                    t2.strSQLForDate_Line2 = str.SubString2(iKey + 4, iEndPos)
                    Log ("TestSerialize, t2.strSQLForDate_Line2: |" & t2.strSQLForDate_Line2 & "|")
                End Select

            arrBytes = ser.ConvertObjectToBytes(t2)

            'this shows the problem is not with the storage in SQLite
            Dim t3 As tSQL_Extra

            t3 = ser.ConvertBytesToObject(arrBytes)
            Log ("  ")
            Log ("TestSerialize, t3.strDataTypes: " & t3.strData_Types)
            Log ("TestSerialize, t3.strChart_Title: " & t3.strChart_Title)
            Log ("TestSerialize, t3.strChartLineNames: " & t3.strChartLine_Names)
            Log ("TestSerialize, t3.bRun_Chart: " & t3.bRun_Chart)
            Log ("TestSerialize, t3.strSQLForDate_Line1: " & t3.strSQLForDate_Line1)
            Log ("TestSerialize, t3.strSQLForDate_Line2: " & t3.strSQLForDate_Line2)
            Log ("--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ")

        End If    'If OM.Size > 0

End Sub

All seems to be working well, except when transforming the byte array back to the type, not
all the type members show up. Strangely, if I set the type members directly (as shown in the
testing code) all works fine.
I had a look at all the bytes of the type members in case there was something funny going on
with null bytes, but nothing like that. Also the bytes of the byte arrays produced by the real code
are just the same as the bytes after setting the type members directly.
This seems baffling to me and maybe somebody can shed some light on this.


RB Smissaert

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Solved this now as it was something very simple.
Of course setting up t2 needs to be outside the For i = 0 To OM.Size - 1 loop.
So this will work:

If OM.Size > 0 Then

Dim t2 As tSQL_Extra

'sort the OM by string position

For i = 0 To OM.Size - 1
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