I think it worked for me that when in the API I entered into the Files manager window on the right side window of the split screen.
At the bottom there is a button (Add Files) which can be clicked. Then it will allow you to navigate into your computer until you find the specific .bal file if you still have it in your B4A files somewhere (apparently in your case it's tablet.bal). Select it and it will appear in the Files Manager screen. If you see the file already in the Files Manager window you might try removing it with the Remove button; then use the Add Files button.
P.S. If you don't see the Files Manager it can be accessed within the windows tab.
Thanks for the reply
Been there Done That
The file appears in the Files\ directory
The file appears in the files tab as described above
the file loads into the designer just fine
The file will not transfer to the android device.
Th file missing error is triggered in the log when I attempt to run the application
I think some of the more knowledgeable members here will suggest that you post some of your related code. I'd suggest lines 504 through 511 since you showed that the error message points to line 508.
I would recommend to delete the project .Files that are created by the IDE upon creation of the B4A file, like the meta file.
I think there's 2 or 3 files..
Then reload the project so that the IDE recreates those files! (Assuming you already did a "clean project")
I still have the same issue , I removed the application from phone and deleted the .meta file and re-installed everything
If I use debug mode I still have the error in the LOG " java.io.FileNotFoundException: main.bal " , but the application works on the phone
if I use "release" mode the application crash at the beginning with same error ..