Please do not post the same question everywhere on the forum. It is very hard to follow and to try to find a solution for your problem. There are no reports from anyone with problems from the internal designer. It has to be something specific to your situation.
Please post the full log (not a screenshot!)
between code tags. [_code_] and [_/_code_] but without the underscores ( _ ).
From the error stack I can point out where the error happens in the BANano library, but it does make very little sense to me at the moment as it has to do with #if CSS en #End if and there is no such thing in de template for a BANano PWA.
String first = "#if css";
String last = "#end if";
String sLC = s.toLowerCase();
int len = last.length();
int firstlen = first.length();
int begin=sLC.indexOf(first);
while (begin>-1) {
int stop=sLC.indexOf(last, begin+1); // <--------------------------------------------------------
Here is what we can try:
1. Download my latest work version of BANano 9.05:
delete BANano.jar, BANano.xml and BANanoSkeleton.b4xlib from your B4J Libraries
and Additional Libraries folders
3. copy
all the files from the Libraries forder in the zip file to your B4J
Additional Libraries folder
4. when you open the project, you should see this in the B4J IDE under libraries:
5. Do a clean project (shouldn't be needed but why not)
6. Run the project in debug mode.
If an error occurs, post the
full log here in
code tags (not a screenshot!)