#Region Project Attributes
#MainFormWidth: 600
#MainFormHeight: 600
#IgnoreWarnings: 16, 10, 14, 15
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals
Private BANano As BANano 'ignore
Private sticky As Int = -1
Public SKNavigationBar1 As SKNavigationBar 'ignore
Private SKContainer1 As SKContainer 'ignore
Private CurrentPageName As String
Private UniqueID As Int
' shortcut for BANano.Window
Public Window As BANanoWindow
Private btnLogIn As SKButton 'ignore
Private txtUserName As SKTextBox 'ignore
Private txtPassWord As SKTextBox 'ignore
Private lblLogInError As SKLabel 'ignore
End Sub
Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
'txtUserName.Initialize(Me, "txtUserName", 1)
' you can change some output params here
BANano.Initialize("BANano", "LeadGurus", DateTime.Now)
BANano.HTML_NAME = "index.html"
BANano.JAVASCRIPT_NAME = "app" & DateTime.Now & ".js"
BANano.Header.Title="Lead Gurus"
BANano.TranspilerOptions.ExternalTestConnectionServer = "http://leadgurus.co.za"
BANano.TranspilerOptions.MinifyOnline = True
' start the build
End Sub
'Return true to allow the default exceptions handler to handle the uncaught exception.
Sub Application_Error (Error As Exception, StackTrace As String) As Boolean
Return True
End Sub
Sub BANano_Ready()
' Loading our base framework in which we will load the pages
BANano.GetElement("#body").SetStyle($"{"background-color": "ghostwhite"}"$)
' We don't have any javascript files to load in this example, so we can just use the body tag.
' If you do have javascript files to load, then doing this will replace the <script> lines too, so be careful!
' In that case, add a <div> first to body and load your layouts in this new div.
' btnLogIn.Style = $"{"width":"100px","height":"50px","background":"green","border-radius":"3px"}"$
' Fill menu with empty strings. They will be filled later when the language file is loaded
SKNavigationBar1.AddMenu("Links", "")
SKNavigationBar1.AddMenu("NearPlaces", "")
SKNavigationBar1.AddMenu("Prices", "")
SKNavigationBar1.AddMenu("Services", "")
SKNavigationBar1.AddMenu("Console", "")
SKNavigationBar1.AddMenu("Home", "")
' Load the layout. We do not load the texts here (as we the async (promise) method HTTPRequests.LoadLanguageFile()
' Will fill in the text when it has finished downloading the corresponding .json file
NavigateTo("Home", False)
' lets set the page in the users browser language (if it is "nl", "fr" or "en" else just pick "en")
Dim browserLanguage As String = BANano.Navigator.Language.ToLowerCase
If browserLanguage.StartsWith("en") = False And browserLanguage.StartsWith("fr") = False And browserLanguage.StartsWith("nl") = False Then
browserLanguage = "en"
browserLanguage = browserLanguage.SubString2(0,2)
End If
' Loading the translations: note this is async, so the code will just continue
HTTPRequests.LoadLanguageFile("assets/" & browserLanguage & ".json")
' The scrolling navigation bar callback. Note: AddEventListener requires the eventname without the 'on' prefix!
Window.AddEventListener("scroll", BANano.CallBack(Me, "OnScroll", Null), True)
' We also want to catch the browsers buttons so we can load the correct page from the history
' Note: AddEventListener requires the eventname without the 'on' prefix!
Dim event As Map
Window.AddEventListener("popstate", BANano.CallBack(Me, "OnPopState", event), True)
End Sub
Sub OnScroll() 'ignore
Dim NavBar As BANanoElement = BANano.GetElement("#sknavigationbar1")
' Just do it the first time to get the initial top offset.
If sticky = -1 Then
sticky = NavBar.OffsetTop
End If
If Window.PageYOffset >= sticky Then
' Make it sticky if our offset is bigger than sticky
' Remove the stickyness
End If
End Sub
Sub OnPopState(event As Map) 'ignore
' Get the current state
Dim state As Map = event.Get("state")
If state = Null Then
' We are back at the homepage, so load it
NavigateTo("Home", True)
' Get the state (history)
Dim CurrentState As String = state.Get("currentState")
' Load the new layout and the texts
NavigateTo(CurrentState, True)
End If
End Sub
Sub SKNavigationBar1_Click (event As BANanoEvent, menu As String)
Select Case menu
Case "nl", "fr", "en"
' Loading the new translations
' Will fill in the text when it has finished downloading the corresponding .json file
HTTPRequests.LoadLanguageFile("assets/" & menu & ".json")
Case Else
' Load the new layout and the texts
NavigateTo(menu, True)
' Add to the history for the browser buttons
BANano.History.PushState(CreateMap("currentState": menu), Null)
End Select
End Sub
public Sub NavigateTo(pageName As String, withTexts As Boolean)
CurrentPageName = pageName.ToLowerCase
' Because Loading a layout requires a quoted string and not a variable, we must use a select case here
' UniqueID = BANano.LoadLayoutArray("#skcontainer1", CurrentPageName, True) would NOT work!
' We also use LoadLayoutArray so we can use the GetViewFromLayoutArray() method in LoadTexts
Select Case CurrentPageName
Case "home":
UniqueID = BANano.LoadLayoutArray("#skcontainer1", "Home", True)
Case "console":
UniqueID = BANano.LoadLayoutArray("#skcontainer1", "Console", True)
Case "services":
UniqueID = BANano.LoadLayoutArray("#skcontainer1", "Services", True)
Case "prices"
UniqueID = BANano.LoadLayoutArray("#skcontainer1", "Prices", True)
Case "nearplaces"
UniqueID = BANano.LoadLayoutArray("#skcontainer1", "NearPlaces", True)
Case "links"
UniqueID = BANano.LoadLayoutArray("#skcontainer1", "Links", True)
End Select
If withTexts Then
End If
' Go to the top of the page
End Sub
public Sub LoadTexts()
Dim Strings As Map = HTTPRequests.Strings.Get(CurrentPageName)
' For all the keys in the json map
For Each key As String In Strings.Keys
Dim prefix As String = key.SubString2(0,3)
' We use the prefix to find out what kind of Custom View it is.
Select Case prefix
Case "lbl"
Dim lbl As SKLabel = BANano.GetViewFromLayoutArray(Me,CurrentPageName, key,UniqueID)
lbl.Text = Strings.Get(key)
Case "lst"
Dim lst As SKList = BANano.GetViewFromLayoutArray(Me,CurrentPageName, key,UniqueID)
Dim itemsStr As String = Strings.Get(key)
Dim items() As String = BANano.Split(";", itemsStr)
For i = 0 To items.length - 1
lst.AppendToList(items(i), Null, False)
End Select
End Sub
Sub btnLogIn_Click (event As BANanoEvent)
Log("Login Button Clicked")
Dim username As String
username = txtUserName.Text
Log("User Name: "&username)
End Sub
Sub txtUserName_Change (event As BANanoEvent)
End Sub