After much thought, remembered
Firefox developer, its nicely calling the error :
Too much recursion, i will try and minimize the number of chaining subs and see what happens.
The chaining is not the issue, wish I knew that before I removed such on the subs, the generated banano code provided an answer, thanks for pointing me to using debug for that. The problem is my design, I created self referencing classes and these create the endless loop that lead to the crash. I just need to work around how I write the code to work. As an example
JQMPage is a class and it has a component instance if JQMContainer, the JQMContainer refences the JQMPage instance... (see last lines of these code blocks)
function banano_selfreferencing_jqmpage() {
var self;
this._id = '';
this._content = new banano_selfreferencing_jqmcontainer();
function banano_selfreferencing_jqmcontainer() {
var self;
this._id = '';
this._page = new banano_selfreferencing_jqmpage();
I created a simple project without resources to test the theory.
My thoughts:
To Initialize JQMContainer one needs to reference JQMPage as there are some methods universal in JQMPAge that are needed. What happens above is, each new instance of JQMPage created, it creates an instance Content of JQMContainer, when the Content JQMContainer is created, because it references the JQMPage, it also creates an instance Page JQMPage.
Loop Trail
1. JQMPage--> Content (JQMContainer)
2. Content (JQMContainer) --> Page (JQMPage) - goes back to 1
3. Crash