I suggest you try to use the existing SkeletonCSS library before trying to write your own library so you can get the hang of how a BANano WebApp works.
There are a couple of things wrong. I reduced the code to the absolute minimum so it may be easier to follow.
First of all, the library you made doesn't do anything: it just creates an empty div to the body. You don't do anything with e.g. the mText property.
1. Changes in your library:
Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
' you can change some output params here
BANano.Initialize("SKText", "SKText",1) '<--- The AppShortName was wrong. Do not reuse the one from the BANanoSkeleton library for your own library
BANano.Header.AddCSSFile("skeleton-all.min.css") ' <--- the skeleton-all.min.css file is missing in the Files Manager tab.
' start the build
#if release
BANano.BuildAsB4Xlib("1.01") '<--- works only in release mode and will build your lib in your Additional Libraries folder as a .b4xlib
BANano.Build(File.DirApp) ' <--- in Debug mode, you can use this to test your lib, will not make a .b4xlib
#end if
End Sub
2. For this example, I added the mText property to this line so at least it shows something
mElement = mTarget.Append($"<div id="${mName}" class="${mClasses}" style="${exStyle}${mStyle}">${mText}</div>"$).Get("#" & mName)
3. Run in RELEASE mode to make your .b4xlib
Reading B4J INI in C:\Users\pi\AppData\Roaming\Anywhere Software\B4J to find Additional Libraries folder...
Found Additional Libraries folder: K:\B4J\AddLibraries
Building K:\B4J\AddLibraries\SKText.b4xlib
Building K:\B4J\AddLibraries\SKText\SKText.dependsOn
K:\B4J\AddLibraries/SKText.b4xlib created!
4. In your Test1 project.
a. you are using the wrong properties: only the Custom Properties can be used in BANano views so here we must put 'HELLO' in this Text property, NOT the Text under 'Text Properties'
b. Changes in the Test1 AppStart
Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
' you can change some output params here
BANano.Initialize("BANano", "SKTextDemo",1) '<--- The AppShortName was wrong. Do not reuse the one from the BANanoSkeleton library for your own WebApp
BANano.Header.Title="BANano SKText demo"
' start the build
End Sub
Sub BANano_Ready()
BANano.LoadLayout("#body", "layout1")
End Sub
5. Run the App
Waiting for debugger to connect...
Program started.
Reading B4J INI in C:\Users\pi\AppData\Roaming\Anywhere Software\B4J to find Additional Libraries folder...
Found Additional Libraries folder: K:\B4J\AddLibraries
Building D:\Test1\B4X\Objects\SKTextDemo\scripts\app.js
Loading layout layout1...
Processing b4xlib: sktext
Copying CSS files to WebApp assets...
Copying Javascript files to WebApp assets...
Building D:\Test1\B4X\Objects\SKTextDemo\index.html
The result in the browser: