B4J Library [BANanoOXML] Client Side Excel Report Generation


In case you need something like this one day, so here is my BANano implementation of it for y'all. With this one is able to CREATE Excel workbooks with multiple sheets. One is able to also set styles e.g. bold, italic, forecolor, add borders. Once generated, the workbook is automatically downloaded. So happy to have found this lib on the net.



In AppStart


In your module

Private oxml As BANanoOXML
    Dim wkSheet As BANanoObject = oxml.WorkSheet("TheMash")
    oxml.SetNumber(wkSheet, 1, 1 , 10)
    oxml.SetNumber(wkSheet, 1, 2, 20)
    oxml.SetNumber(wkSheet, 1, 3, 30)
    oxml.SetText(wkSheet, 3,1, "Hello There!")
    oxml.SetSharedText(wkSheet, 4, 1, "Total")
    oxml.SetFormula(wkSheet,1,4, "SUM(A1:C1)")

You can set styles on cells like this...

Dim cellx As BANanoObject = oxml.GetCell(wkSheet, 3, 1)
    Dim style As OXMLStyle = oxml.CreateStyle
    style.bold = True
    style.fontColor = "ff0000"
    style.italic = True
    style.underline = True
    style.fontName = "Calibri Light"
    style.borderColor = "ff0000"
    style.borderThickness = oxml.BorderThick
    oxml.SetStyle(cellx, style)
    'get cell
    Dim cell As BANanoObject = oxml.GetCell(wkSheet, 1, 4)
    oxml.SetCellText(cell, "Anele Mbanga Enjoying This!")

Then download the workbook.

oxml.download(Me, "onDownload")

We have added a callback on the download..

Sub onDownload
    BANano.Window.Alert("Done Excel Report!")
End Sub

Have Fun!


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Licensed User
Longtime User
I also tested adding another worksheet on the file, worked like a charm.

'create another sheet
    Dim sheet1 As BANanoObject = oxml.WorkSheet("Sheet1")
    'create row data
    oxml.SetRow(sheet1, 2, 3, Array("Cost", "Sale", "Profit"))
    oxml.SetRow(sheet1, 3, 3, Array("10", "12"))
    oxml.SetRow(sheet1, 4, 3, Array("9", "12"))
    oxml.SetFormula1(sheet1, 3, 5, "(D3 - C3)", "2")
    oxml.SetFormula1(sheet1, 4, 5, "(D4 - C4)", "3")
    Dim r5c2 As OXMLRow = oxml.CreateRow(5, 2)
    oxml.AddRowSharedText(r5c2, "Total")
    oxml.AddRowFormula1(r5c2, "(C3 + C4)", "19")
    oxml.AddRowFormula1(r5c2, "(D3 + D4)", "24")
    oxml.SetRow1(sheet1, r5c2)
    'set column values
    oxml.SetColumn(sheet1, 8, 2, Array("Cost", "Sale", "Profit"))
    oxml.SetColumn(sheet1, 8, 3, Array("9", "12", "3"))
    oxml.SetColumn(sheet1, 8, 4, Array("10", "12", "2"))
    'update column
    oxml.SetColumn(sheet1, 2, 8, Array("Hello", "Word!"))
    Dim col As BANanoObject = oxml.GetColumn(sheet1, 2, 8)
    oxml.SetColBO(col, Array("Greetings..."))
    'get an existing row
    Dim row As BANanoObject = oxml.GetRow(sheet1, 2, 3)
    oxml.SetRowBO(row, Array("The Mash"))

The result is..



Licensed User
Longtime User

1. Merging Cells
2. Applying fills
3. Horizontal & Vertical Alignment

The creator of this library was kind enough to honour my request for additional features here.


To merge the cells, we have run:

'merge cells
    oxml.Merge(wkSheet, "D2:F5")

We have applied horizontal and vertical alignment on B1.

'get a cell and format alignment
    'Possible values for vAlignment are top, center, bottom, and that of hAlignment are left, center, and bottom.
    Dim r1c2 As BANanoObject = oxml.GetCell(wkSheet, 1, 2)
    Dim cs As OXMLStyle = oxml.CreateStyle
    cs.vAlignment = "center"
    cs.hAlignment = "center"
    cs.bold = True
    oxml.SetStyle(r1c2, cs)

On B2, we have applied some number formatting:

'Some of the standard defined numeric formats are "mm-dd-yy";
    '"m/d/yy h:mm"; "#,##0 ;(#,##0)"; "#,##0 ;[Red](#,##0)"; "#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)"; "#,##0.00;[Red](#,##0.00)";
    '"mmss.0"; "yyyy-mm-dd". For more number format expressions, refer open xml documentation.
    Dim r2c2 As BANanoObject = oxml.GetCell(wkSheet, 2, 2)
    oxml.SetCellNumber(r2c2, -4123.89)
    Dim cs As OXMLStyle = oxml.CreateStyle
    cs.numberFrmat = "#,##0.00 ;[Red](#,##0.00)"
    oxml.SetStyle(r2c2, cs)

On A10, we have set up a fill.

'try and set a border
    Dim r2c4 As BANanoObject = oxml.GetCell(wkSheet, 10, 1)
    oxml.SetCellNumber(r2c4, 1000.00)
    Dim cs As OXMLStyle = oxml.CreateStyle
    cs.FillPattern = oxml.pattern_solid
    cs.FillForeColor = oxml.colors_yellow
    cs.FillBackground = oxml.colors_white
    oxml.SetStyle(r2c4, cs)

#Source Code in first post


Licensed User
Longtime User
The complete source code for this...

Sub ExcelReport
Private oxml As BANanoOXML
    Dim wkSheet As BANanoObject = oxml.WorkSheet("TheMash")
    oxml.SetNumber(wkSheet, 1, 1 , 10)
    oxml.SetNumber(wkSheet, 1, 2, 20)
    oxml.SetNumber(wkSheet, 1, 3, 30)
    oxml.SetText(wkSheet, 3,1, "Hello There!")
    oxml.SetSharedText(wkSheet, 4, 1, "Total")
    oxml.SetFormula(wkSheet,1,4, "SUM(A1:C1)")
    Dim cellx As BANanoObject = oxml.GetCell(wkSheet, 3, 1)
    Dim style As OXMLStyle = oxml.CreateStyle
    style.bold = True
    style.fontColor = "ff0000"
    style.italic = True
    style.underline = True
    style.fontName = "Calibri Light"
    style.borderColor = "ff0000"
    style.borderThickness = oxml.BorderDouble
    oxml.SetStyle(cellx, style)
    'get cell
    Dim cell As BANanoObject = oxml.GetCell(wkSheet, 1, 4)
    oxml.SetCellText(cell, "Anele Mbanga Enjoying This!")
    'get a cell and format alignment
    'Possible values for vAlignment are top, center, bottom, and that of hAlignment are left, center, and bottom.
    Dim r1c2 As BANanoObject = oxml.GetCell(wkSheet, 1, 2)
    Dim cs As OXMLStyle = oxml.CreateStyle
    cs.vAlignment = "center"
    cs.hAlignment = "center"
    cs.bold = True
    oxml.SetStyle(r1c2, cs)
    'Some of the standard defined numeric formats are "mm-dd-yy";
    '"m/d/yy h:mm"; "#,##0 ;(#,##0)"; "#,##0 ;[Red](#,##0)"; "#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)"; "#,##0.00;[Red](#,##0.00)";
    '"mmss.0"; "yyyy-mm-dd". For more number format expressions, refer open xml documentation.
    Dim r2c2 As BANanoObject = oxml.GetCell(wkSheet, 2, 2)
    oxml.SetCellNumber(r2c2, -4123.89)
    Dim cs As OXMLStyle = oxml.CreateStyle
    cs.numberFrmat = "#,##0.00 ;[Red](#,##0.00)"
    oxml.SetStyle(r2c2, cs)
    'merge cells
    oxml.Merge(wkSheet, "D2:F5")
    'try and set a border
    Dim r2c4 As BANanoObject = oxml.GetCell(wkSheet, 10, 1)
    oxml.SetCellNumber(r2c4, 1000.00)
    Dim cs As OXMLStyle = oxml.CreateStyle
    cs.FillPattern = oxml.pattern_solid
    cs.FillForeColor = oxml.colors_yellow
    cs.FillBackground = oxml.colors_white
    oxml.SetStyle(r2c4, cs)
    'create another sheet
    Dim sheet1 As BANanoObject = oxml.WorkSheet("Sheet1")
    'create row data
    oxml.SetRow(sheet1, 2, 3, Array("Cost", "Sale", "Profit"))
    oxml.SetRow(sheet1, 3, 3, Array("10", "12"))
    oxml.SetRow(sheet1, 4, 3, Array("9", "12"))
    oxml.SetFormula1(sheet1, 3, 5, "(D3 - C3)", "2")
    oxml.SetFormula1(sheet1, 4, 5, "(D4 - C4)", "3")
    Dim r5c2 As OXMLRow = oxml.CreateRow(5, 2)
    oxml.AddRowSharedText(r5c2, "Total")
    oxml.AddRowFormula1(r5c2, "(C3 + C4)", "19")
    oxml.AddRowFormula1(r5c2, "(D3 + D4)", "24")
    oxml.SetRow1(sheet1, r5c2)
    'set column values
    oxml.SetColumn(sheet1, 8, 2, Array("Cost", "Sale", "Profit"))
    oxml.SetColumn(sheet1, 8, 3, Array("9", "12", "3"))
    oxml.SetColumn(sheet1, 8, 4, Array("10", "12", "2"))
    'update column
    oxml.SetColumn(sheet1, 2, 8, Array("Hello", "Word!"))
    Dim col As BANanoObject = oxml.GetColumn(sheet1, 2, 8)
    oxml.SetColBO(col, Array("Greetings..."))
    'get an existing row
    Dim row As BANanoObject = oxml.GetRow(sheet1, 2, 3)
    oxml.SetRowBO(row, Array("The Mash"))
    oxml.download(Me, "onDownload")
End Sub

Sub onDownload
    BANano.Window.Alert("Done Excel Report!")
End Sub