I really appreciate your advise. Actually, this is the CRUX of our projects life cycle, if it does'nt work, eish.
My current implementation is 2 BANano WebApps, a client app and a admin app, as these do two different things, splitting it like that makes much more sense, for maintenance and other things.
Thing is, we have an extra "b4j server" app receiving the payload and writing this to the database via RDC. My "admin app" then uses this database information, same as the "client app".
The reason I started learning about the BANanoServer is because I believe its capable to do all this, instead of me having 3 apps running here, I have 2, the BANanoServer WebApp and then BANano WebApp.
This means, my "admin app" gets converted from being a normal BANano WebApp to be a BANanoServer WebApp, handling the payload and database CRUD. So my decision rests on BANanoServer being able to handle the payload and saving it to the database. Before I can think of adding a single page on the BANanoServer implementation, I need to ensure that BANanoServer can listen and get the payload data, its only then and only then will I be able to continue implementing the plans further.