BANanoVuetifyAD3 and BANano's Obfuscated "Release Mode" Code.


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Hi there...

In most cases, when you go to a website, right click on it, and click View Page Source, not only are you able to see the build up of the HTML code and also access the source Scripts. When BANano came out with Obfuscated code in "release" mode for the code you write in B4X, I was both excited and amazed. This level of protection for me still favours and sits very well with me.

Security wise, we run our apps on top of https and have implemented security across the board to ensure minimal damage as possible when that persistent hacker manages to pull through.

With that said, how one designs their app and implementing security internally when coding it is also important and at times a part that is left out. I've come to learn and accept to "NEVER TRUST THE END USER". So I do'nt, and have to think step ahead of what someone "crazy" can do and how.

Still it helps to have another eye, someone else who can test and indicate that this works and does not work and I managed to access the back-end, as nothing is really fool proof.


PS: And no, my code does not have "dog", "gift", "park", "star" and some of the words I see here, or does it?
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