B4J Question BANanoVuetifyAD3 How to create a Input form for vCalendar ?

Gerhard Schindler

Licensed User
The v-calendar does not work like the v-data-table that you can easily "bind" . This problem is solved.
If I like to create a new calendar entry when clicking on the + button.
A input form should be opend. Can I bindthis to the calendar database?. 2 DateTime Pickers, A v-selcet which offers a list of a values form a database table. Text filed for note, location and a color picker.


  • ViewHome.bas
    3 KB · Views: 142


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Longtime User
Q. For creating Dialogs, please see the kitchen sink examples on how a dialog is created that have controls inside it. There is also a login screen that has text boxes using the same approach.

Q. Do you want to use the VForm and VFields to create your form? If so, there are videos that I have released on the mashy teaches series about creating forms using the VForm and VFields. The principle is the same, you create components that will meet your needs.

There are a lot of examples in the kitchen sink for all the types of controls you mention which have been created, check it out.
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Longtime User
Hi Sebastian

Can you please send me the layout you attempted to create for the .bas file you have sent me above? that seeks to address your code here?

Dim sID As String =rsEvents.Get("ID")
        Dim sCategory As String = rsEvents.Get("Category")
        Dim sName As String =  rsEvents.Get("Name")
        Dim sStart As String = rsEvents.Get("Start")
        Dim sEnd As String = rsEvents.Get("End")
        Dim sColor As String = rsEvents.Get("Color")
        Dim sLocation As String = rsEvents.get("Location")
        Dim sNote As String = rsEvents.get("Note")
        Dim sTrainee As String = rsEvents.get("Trainee")
        Dim sTrainer As String = rsEvents.get("Trainer")
        Dim sHorse As String = rsEvents.get("Horse")

As soon as I get the layout you attempted, I can take it from there to guide you.

To regress a little, I created a campaign here named, Your Word Counts, where I was hoping people can engage me and indicate things that they wanted to be enhanced/things they wanted to see etc etc.

With that said, the Mashy Teaches BANAnoVuetifyAD3, has a lot of content as indicated below, that talks about creating most things.

Until then..


  • 1638191568272.png
    220 KB · Views: 140
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Gerhard Schindler

Licensed User
A suggestion

If You give in your kitchen sink app the calendar view the + button a real funtion to open a input dialog to add a event.
So you can add sCategory, sName, sStart, sEnd, sNote,sLocation
For sStart and sEnd DateTime Pickers.
In Your present code of the caleder view "checkChange" ever time is called and an entry is added when change to a other view an back to the caledar view.
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