Some back-ground to what is happening with this VCard Example
1. we create a list of objects ie. maps and store them in a data-variable named team.
2. We create layout with a container, a row and a column.
3. We tell the column that everything inside you, you need to re-create for each element in the "team" list.
4. So each child element will basically receive a "person" element. this includes the card, avatar etc. As an example, the avatar image SRC is bound to:
and VLabel2 caption is bound to
By default, button click events receive the (e As BANanoEvent) event listener. This case is however special, we want to pass the persons name as an argument to the click event. So we need to tell the btn event definition, that you are no longer receicing "e" but the "" with
This you need to do after load-layout.
The V-For directive is one of the most powerful directives in VueJS to create multiple components at run-time without much hustles.
Great stuff. All the best!