B4J Question [BANanoVuetifyAD3]


I continue to work on learning the BANanoVuetifyAD3 + BANAnoServer tutorial 44 (SQLite) ... but all I get in the web browser is a blank screen with "BVAD3 Server Demo" (please see attached screenshot).

This is what I get in the web browser console::
AddVueElement.inspiremain could not be added to #inspire
browserindex.js:1600 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'gettagname' of null
    at banano_bananovuetifyad3_vuetifyapp._B.bindvueelement (browserindex.js:1600)
    at _B.websocket_connected (browserindex.js:54751)
    at b4j_runFunction (bananocore.js:16)
    at p._B._ws.onmessage (browserindex.js:54714)
    at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (bananocore.js:13)
    at WebSocket.s.onmessage (bananocore.js:13)

Thank you for your help.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Noted, I will look into this. I understand its based on this thread, https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...pplications-with-bananoserver.127104/#content, which is rather old.

I updated the BVAD3 first thread to have this disclaimer after that.


After starting my BANanoServer with BVAD3 explorations I realized that I could not do some things and ran into hurdles. As you will note, there is nothing posted after about BANanoServer + BVAD3. There are some things I am learning to overcome and as such will not recommend anyone doing BANanoServer+BVAD3 as yet until the issues I have are resolved.

So sadly, please, for now DO SKIP this tutorial. I will update its thread to reflect this.
Reactions: LJG
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Hi Mashiane,

If the hurdles have to do with using the Abstract Designer to add the Vuetify components in a BANanoServer based project, there may be a 'hack' around that hurdle. I'm not sure if this will resolve the issues that we are seeing when we use your Vuetify library in BANanoServer, but here is the breakdown of that hack as presented in the first entry (introduction) of the BANanoServer post (see the link below):

EDIT: in te zip with the library is a Template.bjl file to use in a BANanoServer object. Note that a B4J jServer project (where BANanoServer is based on) must be a Non-UI project! So you can normally not use the abstract Designer. But with a 'hack', if you copy a bjl file in a Non-UI project, you can use the Abstract Designer by clicking on the 'open designer' link in the files panel.

Unfortunately, in the abstract designer, you can not use the Tools - Generate Members (it gives an error). You can however still use the individual Generate you get by right-clicking on a control:

EDIT 2: It looks like one can get around that second remark (Tools - Generate Members by adding the jFX library to the project. Just don't use it and(you should see the remark "Library 'jFX' is not used. (warning #32)". I've looked into the jars and the generated code appears to be the same (correct @Erel?), just some extra (not used) classes are added to the fat jar.

See it here:

Hope this helps because B4J, BANano, and your work are awesome.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks @LJG, the issue my friend is not the abstract designer. At this moment I am stuck around CRUD functionality for backends specifically for the BVAD3 project. In normal circumstances I should not be experiencing any problems but due to BANano never created for VueJS, I have some issues that I need to "hack" my way out of.

Im sure soon I will have a solution.
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