Basic question on where to find help


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Just started my first B4A project. It is using Sockets and AsyncStreams.

All is working fine, but I would like to be able to detect a closed socket and then reopen one.

I am using the NewData event, but I was wondering (in general): where would I be able to find a list of all other events (if any) that are being supported by the AsyncStream class ? (a full API list) ?




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Thanks Erel,

I did find this link and it seems all information is available, but you have to look a bit around (documentation, manual, forums - great job guys !)

What I do miss a little bit is an extensive list: is there any way I can have a full overview of all events I can write (the code completion of the editor shows me methods and properties, but I seem not to be able to detect which events are available).

Thanks !
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Thanks Klaus,

I will be downloading it; I already found out I can inspect the XML files of the library, but that is probaly just what the tool is doing ...

Enjoying B4A more and more ...

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