Bug? Basic4Android 3.82 broken by install of B4A 9.5

TR Shearer

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I've just installed the latest version of B4A but it seems to have broken my previous version 3.82.
I wanted to keep the old version so that I could maintain a programme that runs on a Nook ebook reader which I think runs Android 2.?

Now when I try to compile the code I get
Parsing code. 0.06
Compiling code. Error
An error occurred while loading the DynamicSyntaxLanguage '{Unknown}':
The tag '{root}' may not be parent to a 'LanguageDefinition' tag.
The problem occurred near line 3, position 2
in Unknown Stream.

Any ideas?



Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Bob,

For similar reason I am trying to have two B4A versions installed,
but haven't succeed yet, as advised solutions not that simple as I am looking for, like two different folders installation and both exe running at same time.

Anyway I am still searching around and will be happy if any solution is found for you.


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