Basic4Android basics


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I just bought b4A today and started trying to use the tutorial..

Some questons..

1. When I try to connect to the emulator it asks me for an IP address.. It also says this is on the emulator screen.. I don't see it anywhere on screen... Where is it located?

2. When I click on 'Designer' I do not get any sub-menu to 'add a new form' How do I add new forms?

3. When I download the tutorial source code I get some wierd file extension. How do I open it?


Any help appreciated.


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Welcome to the B4Android communuty.

What tutorial are you speeking of ?

1. Do you have also a device connected ? Are trying to use B4ABridge ? You should use either the Emulator or a device.
2. When you click in the IDE on the Designer menu you open the Designer, this one you must connect either to the emulator or to a device.
3. What tutorial source code are you speaking of and what kind of extensions do you get.
Did you already download the Beginner's Guide ?

Best regards.
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Thank youfor the Link... I have a connectoon to an emulator.

I'll go read that guide before I bother people ;)

Thank you !
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