Basic4Android Training


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I would like to see some formal training classes or Ebooks that would provide
users with more assistance when attempting to develop applications for either
phones and/or tablets. Naturally, this material would need to be revised with
each release.


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Licensed User
Longtime User
Going through the tutorial it is a brilliant idea but you need to exclude forum links from book because those link will never stay forever but your can remain forever. Also remember to make available any sample demo source codes (make it available as errant a link because of frequency update) thanks and keep up the good work.

There is still more correction to be made about Font styles starting from Content.
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Thanks for the comments, it is still a s work in progress , I am teaching it at the moment, and we are just finishing off the weather program at the beginning. Thats the section that is currently being rewritten the most.\

We have got another 8 weeks on this part of the course so it will be very different by the time its finished.

I don't intend it to be a book, and am really only writing it as a teaching resource.

The Table of contents has always bugged me
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