Somebody could help me?
From 2 days I can't use any program write with Basic4PPC if in it there are serial instructions (for example Autodet2). I get an error message saying to me, in french :'Une exception native s'est produite...' ->details execption code 0x00000005, exception address 0x011d8fc8, reading 0x00000004.
So i have empty my PPC and if I haven't in the PPC Net CF 2.0 I can use with no problem at all my programs and of course Autodet2 and if reload Net CF 2.0 if get again the same error message.
Best regards
Somebody could help me?
From 2 days I can't use any program write with Basic4PPC if in it there are serial instructions (for example Autodet2). I get an error message saying to me, in french :'Une exception native s'est produite...' ->details execption code 0x00000005, exception address 0x011d8fc8, reading 0x00000004.
So i have empty my PPC and if I haven't in the PPC Net CF 2.0 I can use with no problem at all my programs and of course Autodet2 and if reload Net CF 2.0 if get again the same error message.
Best regards