Java Question Bass audio library

Dear core developers,
I have found bass audio librarywrapperthread here. But unfortunately I did not find some bass audio library functioning library here.
I would like to know, if it would be possible to use this native .so library. If is it possible to call .so libraries in BB4A. Bass audio library for Android contain .java file with all constants and functions declared. Is it necessary to compile this .java to .jar? Or somebody advanced would had to recode it to be compatible with BB4A?
.java file is The part of The following .zip file with vass audio library for Android.


Roger Taylor

Licensed User
Longtime User
Did you ever figure this out? I find it the absolutely most disappointing thing about Android that they won't let us simply output live PCM samples to the speaker. It's really a no-brainer... open a stream and write bytes. WHY. So I found that bass class earlier and didn't see a way to use it from B4A which I guess you were in the same boat back when you found it. Have you figured out Any solution?
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