This Library enumerates 1200 of the Emoji within the EmojiOne TTF. EmojiOne is a very high quality set of Icons (as good or better than Apple's) which is free to download and distribute as long as you provide attribution. See for details.
Note that composite icons such as Flags and the people groups cannot be rendered.
Icons are broken down into the groups which EmojiOne has organized them into. Groups are Activities, Food & Drink, Nature, Objects, People, Symbols and Diversity. Note that for the Diversity group skin tones do not work and the default tone will always be displayed.
It is very easy to use.
Here is a screen shot of some buttons that use a EmojiOne icon. I have used my SmartHost as it can handle the Emoji characters correctly.
To run the demo you will need the Icons_EmojiOne library installed. You will also need the SmartHost library which you can find here. SmartHost_Link.
Note that composite icons such as Flags and the people groups cannot be rendered.
Icons are broken down into the groups which EmojiOne has organized them into. Groups are Activities, Food & Drink, Nature, Objects, People, Symbols and Diversity. Note that for the Diversity group skin tones do not work and the default tone will always be displayed.
It is very easy to use.
'Icons is a list of Icon characters
Dim Icons As Icons_EmojiOne
'This is the EmojiOne font. you have to download it from and add it to your files.
Dim EmojiOne As Typeface = Typeface.LoadFromAssets("emojione.ttf")
'You can now access an Emoji by typing something like. Of course you need a View that can handle the Emoji
'This Library just returns a Long pointer which must be processed by the view
MyEmoji = Icons.Emo1.People.anguished_face
Here is a screen shot of some buttons that use a EmojiOne icon. I have used my SmartHost as it can handle the Emoji characters correctly.
To run the demo you will need the Icons_EmojiOne library installed. You will also need the SmartHost library which you can find here. SmartHost_Link.
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