Android Question Best B4X viewpager?


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Haha, sorry, didn't mean to offend anyone! Thanks.
I am not here to decide which is better, but if your are looking for more choices, the TabStripViewPager by Erel is also very good as it is the one I used in the past.
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That one is for B4A only...
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Andrew (Digitwell)

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try AS viewpager

but you will need to implement the dots yourself using something like

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Excellent, thanks! A lot of those B4X views seem to be posted in the B4A section of the forum here... wouldn't it be interesting to add a separate B4X section to add cross compatible libraries?
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Note that every given link begins with [B4X], what indicates it's cross-platform. (Maybe limited to two platforms)
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Alexander Stolte

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Cross Platform ViewPager based on AHViewPager and iTabStrip
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