Android Question Best experts, help me ^_^


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I have an idea for a game that does not exist in the market.

I need to know the ways to achieve it in the most professional manner possible.

In particular, how to make it work online and how to sell useful items in the game.

I know I can find a lot of information on this site, but maybe some of you have a clear idea, and perhaps he has already implemented this.

(Engineers of WhatsApp if you want to answer, you would be welcome )


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Is this your way to expect answers? Good luck...
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Ma che ca**o stai dicendo Luca??

Fred was trying to understand your problems. There may be language-barriers but writing offensive stuff against a person in public and/or about a nationality does not help. If you are so frustrated, then direct your anger towards something else! Go for a walk comes into my mind.

Forse una scusa ci sta!
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I read a tone of arrogance (or haughtiness, i don't know the best translation) in his sentences which, combined with his last "is it clear in your mind?",
I think that confirm a certain tone of presumed superiority.

nothing serious, I think it is his character, not malice.

Offensive and more are your words, but they are of no importance.

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Certainly that response from Fred did not contain that tone that you perceived.
This sentence 'is it clear in your mind?' from a native english speaker or a developer is not an offence but an invitation to step back and re-think your objective and thought process. It is always good.

I will also tell you, as a person answering questions on this forum for a long time, I do get frustrated at incomplete and incomprehensive questions. I do that myself, but when Erel or someone drops me a hint I try to understand it rather than getting frustrated at their indirect answers. It takes time, but clarity eventually ensues.
As a famous person once said: 'Go for a walk comes into my mind.'
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Exactly. At the beginning of a project, it is sometimes difficult to put words on ideas. When someone has trouble to explain clearly his project, it's a good hint for me that things are probably not totally clear in his mind.
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I try to explain once again.

Example of poker.

Erel plays with his smartphone and raises x$. This coded information will be sent to a server, which must share it, send it to the other players at the table (other devices).

So I'll have to have a server that is dealing with this.
(This server will also have to manage a centralized db).

What should I use?

Google services? Notifications? One my server (b4j?) installed on a Google's host (if it is possible)?

Thanks in advance for your answers.

[P.S. Here's an example (Ms. Dora ) similar.
But it does not make clear my ideas ]
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Thanks, Erel, but my mind is very unclear, in this bad season (for me!).

GCM or Custom ... I could use one of them just for the "player's actions", right?
And the custom solution require a custom server, i suppose, wich i could install on my pc, but not on some hosting site.

I reread your answer with more time and peace of mind.

Thanks again
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Forget it

I try to summarize. I collected a lot of information; they are so many that I'm almost to the start point.

Moreover, our Guru is rightly resting; moreover, he can not solve all my problems!

It seems that I want to get the Moon, but this is certainly achievable, if the ideas were completely clear!

As if that were not enough, from the initial idea to create a mobile interactive multiplayer game, the possibility that it could be accessible also via web browser came into my mind! If I start to develop this specifically for mobile then I would have big problems to adapt it for web/browsers.

Given that I do not understand the difference between these two statements:
srvr.AddHandler("/SigninHelper", "SigninHelper", False)
in which "/SigninHelper" is considered a path as part of a URL

srvr.AddWebSocket("/ws", "WebAppLogin")
In this line, which is part of this example of rwblinn, "/ws" is NOT a part of a URL.

I try to describe how this sort of general architecture should work, which I guess could be usefull for many members.

If I understand correctly, when all this would work on my pc/b4jserver, I could "move" all on a VPS.

1) a user, with my app on his smartphone, connects to log in (not a web page)
For this, the app should send two IDs, one of the app and one of the device;
2) he can create/edit his gamer profile;
3) can choose a room to play in, based on the characteristics of the rooms listed (by the server) and/or the presence of friends in the rooms;
4) entered the room, when the room will have the minimum number of players, the game will start;
5) during the game, each player will perform an action, which must be visible (receipt) to all the other players/devices;
6) at the end of the game, various calculations and, if desired, leaving the room.

Login (authentication): should/could I use HTTPS?
But I've read this Erels' sentence:
Filters do not apply to web sockets. You can use WebSocket.Secure to make sure that a secure connection has been made (this will be the case if the current request is a https request, unless someone has tampered the JavaScript code).
So I do not know what to choose.

For all other steps, should I always use WebSockets? Even to list the rooms from the database, for example?
And how many WebSockets I need? And they should be global variables? And what role have threads in all this?

Too bad that in Italy there are no more mantal hospitals, because pretty soon I would be ready for them
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One step forward, two steps back.

Forward: I could "try" to understand [WebApp] Chatroom - Threads, Sessions and Server events
to send player actions info to the other players/devices.

Back: In the examples that I have found, I can send text (or "objects" as explained in [Server] Send and receive objects) but not images.
Instead, I'll have to send the image of the player profile.

I discovered the existence of the protocol ws thanks to WebSocket Client Library. Now i know that wss also exists: could I use it in some cases and ws in other? And how? (I was able to create a login for CCTV but when I tried to use https ... failed).

[P.S. de.tavendo.autobahn.WebSocketException: secure WebSockets not implemented]
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