B4J Question Best Place or Way to Store Encrypted User Data


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I need a solution to store encrypted user data on a remote server. Would it be reasonable to use a B4J server, or should I go for some integration with Firebase or a similar service?

What have y'all found to be the best option?

Brian Dean

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You don't explain your requirement very well. How much data? How many users? If you simply require to store user data remotely then you should consider FTP. FTP might be old-fashioned and out-of-style, but it is simple and rugged - all you need is some web-space. What service do you need any server to perform? Is the fact that the data is encrypted important?
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I've got a B4X app that will have confidential user data that needs to be stored on a remote server. The data probably will not be more than 500KB to 1MB per user.

The data needs to be managed by the app, so FTP won't work. It also must be secure, due to the nature of the data.

I'm curious if a roll-my-own server would be better (and just as capable/robust/scalable) as, say, a solution like Firebase.

If anybody is currently managing something like this, I would appreciate hearing about your experience and recommendations.
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I do not know if I understand well but I could do the following for example RamNode.com

1. Create an account
2. Create a clound account
3. Set up your own cloud network
4. Purchase one masive server and connect to your established network
For example, for 3 $ you have a server 160GB. If user one has 1MB of data then you have space for about 120 thousand users. At 5$ per month you have 325Gb (gives about 300 thousand users). Server can scale on the fly ok need.
5. Buy a server or standard or KVM server depending on the needs for the server B4J to operate with the outside world.
6. Associate sever with external support with masive protocol with its protocol written in B4X eg. RDC server.
7. Set the firewall, delete SSH services, connect the terminal to the servers. Masive server set only on connection to server B4J. Hide the web port poprez cloudflare. If you use SSH to connect one IP e.g. from a VPN server. Etc, etc.
8. You can buy a small server for logs to the internal network. Disabled all services and only the jRDC server that will receive logs to the database. An attack on a masive or access server can be expected to delete logs/modify. A separate log server will allow you to save everything separately.

It's so quickly written.
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Well-Known Member
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Well, after some looking around, it seems the Firebase Auth only works for mobile platforms. We have a desktop app that would need the same authentication component.

Any other suggestions for a desktop+mobile auth solution? Or I guess I'll need to roll my own B4J server...

EDIT: Found this, though.
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