I have some activities and I'd like to give all of them the same look&fell and share some controls (like a navigatordrawer).
So, using inheritance, I would define the navigatordrawer on the base class and inherit it form the children. But since this is not supported I'm wondering: which would be the best approach to have the same "suff" in all my activities wihouth having to touch the code of all of them if I need to make some change?
I have one question regarding your interchange... should MyTemplate.Initialize(Activity) be called before or after the current activity's call to loadlayout?
What if I have a button on my template class, and I want it to fire a sub on the activity I implement it? I think about a callsubdelayed, guided by a some kind of flag marking the activity it is implemented and therefore should be called, but this solution... too little ooped, too "unclean" seem to me...
What if I have a button on my template class, and I want it to fire a sub on the activity I implement it? I think about a callsubdelayed, guided by a some kind of flag marking the activity it is implemented and therefore should be called, but this solution... too little ooped, too "unclean" seem to me...