Beta 1.7: Abstract Designer and HorizontalScrollView1


Licensed User
Longtime User
Abstract Designer
I add HorizontalScrollView1

And error occurred
The given key was not present in de dictionary

Why not unify on a single post, all the possible comments on the beta version??


Licensed User
Longtime User
I don't see it, it works OK here.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Abstract Designer and HorizontalScrollView1

This is in design mode, Abstract Designer, when I give
generate menbers, and I have a component HorizontalScrollView

If I remove that component, the error disappears and everything works normally.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
The error is found easily:
1. Create a new project and save. (ej. Demo)
2. Now, I Go to the "designer" and give to "File-> New"
3. "Add View" ... and add any component. I add a Button

Up here all right.
If we go to "Tools" -> "Generate Member" all ok.

If we add a component "HorizontalScrollView"
If we go to "Tools" -> "Generate Member" Error!!!

The error screen is as follows:

In any other project with multiple views, I add this component and we go to "generate member" also produces the same error.

Sorry for my bad English.
My operating system is Windows XP SP3.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I have the horizontalscroll working great. My question. Is it possible to have a page scroll both directions. Can't seem to get it to work.
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The difference between stupidity and genius is genius has limits. -- Albert Einstein

I'm sorry that I'm taking this :sign0006: but Mikie the quote you have as a signature is just briliant

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