I get the compile error below when iterating a list:
For i = 0To lstTemp.Size-1
sRet(i) = lstTemp.Get(i)
Parsing code. 0.24
Compiling code. 3.84
Compiling layouts code. 0.05
Generating R file. 0.13
Compiling debugger engine code. Error
B4A line: 611
For i = 0 To lstTemp.Size-1
javac 1.6.0
shell\src\b4a\example\alfuncs_subs_0.java:1007: illegal start of expression
for (_i = BA.numberCast(int.class, 0); (step450 > 0 && _i.<Integer>get().intValue() <= limit450) || (step450 < 0 && _i.<Integer>get().intValue() >= limit450); _i = RemoteObject.createImmutable((int)(_i.<Integer>get().intValue() + step450))) {
1 error