Beta: Debug - can't see all of array


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All the values for a global variable such as TricksBid(4, 4, 4, 13) will not fit on a single line and putting the cursor on the line brings up a box with more of the data in it, but it ends with "..." without any way to see the rest of the values.

I guess that this is not a bug, since the "..." indicates that you already are aware of this limitation, but thought I would mention it in case you have a work-around I'm not seeing.


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This is a known limitation. There are some limits regarding the length of a single object and the total length of all the debugging information. The limit is caused by the fact that the data is sent from the device to the IDE on each breakpoint. There are plans to allow a deeper inspection of a single object on demand. It will probably be added in a future version.
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