Beta Demo Ini file Editor...


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English File:
Changed "A T T E N C I O N" to "A T T E N T I O N"
Changed "wich" to "which"
Reordered the description sentence, to make it more gramatically correct.



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Thnaks Zennerdiode, file updated...


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Guys, I am 1 language away of having the minimum languages settable in my app, so please can someone translate the jananese or the spanish one's???

The help file's text is also camming along, and will be posted for translation further in the week...



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Hi Cableguy, i've heard you need some translations? I've attached a Russian one. Russian is beautiful language, but Russian words are longer than the english ones (and this is the reason why Russian RAP is sux but anyway i'm not a fan of rap), so please check if the words are not cut by the short labels


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Thank's Elrik, file will be added to the project...
But I can't stop wondering if in russian language, the word "Russian" isn't spelled diferently(?)


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But I can't stop wondering if in russian language, the word "Russian" isn't spelled diferently(?)
Of course "Russian" can be written using russian letters as "Русский", using english letters (we call it "translit", i dont know, is it international word?) as "Russkij", and spelled something like "Roosskiy" (use "Microsoft Sam" to hear it. He have the worst russian pronunciation i've ever heard, but this combination of letters gives the best result


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Alpha release - INI4PPC

This is now a pre-release, meaning that it is only missing some minor implementation, such as the help engine...
All the text files provided are up-to-date, and contain all the texts needed by the app.

Ther's 2 exe files in the zip, one is optimized(QVGA) and the other is not.
I've done this to get some feedback on the load velocity of the app, since opti-compile seems to be a lot slower to load...

I've decided to make this a freeware program.
The finished app will take longer than I antecipated to be released, mainly because of some time issues...

User info will be much apreciated, as I intend to make this as user friendly as posible...
please report any bugs or issues you encounter, as well as improvement sugestions ...



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translation to the Spanish

Hi Cableguy,

Here's the translation to the Spanish

Regards, manu:sign0060:


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It is easy to add any other language to the app, with simple steps:

1- Translate the texts file.
2- name your txt file as the one to be replaced, ie, portuguese is 01.txt...
3- from the flags image (I only have the european flags there, sorry) cut your country flag, to the same size as the others, and name it the same as the text file except extension, ie. portuguese flag is 01.jpg.
4-Edit the IN4P.ini file and replace the discarded language name with the new one, ie. language1=Português change to language1=Español
And thats it, you now have your own language set working in my app..


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First Bug report...

Hi Cableguy,

I haven't really started to test you ini-editor yet but I came across this funny behaviour on the optimized executible (INI4PPC-opti.exe):
If I change to the german language I have to click the OK button on the about panel for 4 times to close it. If I change to the english language I have to click the OK button for 2 times. After changing to the french language I have to click 16 times. Changing to the italian language I'll have to click 8 times. Have you tried to program 2^n or something like that..

And if I change the language for a few times without closing the application, the app gets very very slow... until I only could exit the program with a soft reset.

The executible without optimization (INI4PPC.exe) works as expected!

A still testing


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That is<why I compiled it in both optimized and not optimized...
The NOT optimized exe, although a lot bigger in size, is much faster AND RELIABLE.I have noticed this behavior with others basic4ppc opti-compiled apps...
The code is exactly the same, just recomplied in two ways...


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The code is exactly the same, just recomplied in two ways...
This looks like a serious problem. The behaviour of the optimised compiled app is appalling! Part of the problem may be that you are calling AddEvent in your Sub SetControls which is called both in AppStart and in SetLanguage which is itself called in AppStart. You are therefore overloading all the events twice and when you change language LanguageSelect calls it again.

This is one important one difference between the legacy and optimised environments. The optimised environment "stacks up" events added by AddEvent and calls them all whereas the legacy environment doesn't. I have discussed changing this behaviour with Erel in another thread.

I am not sure that this entirely explains the bad behaviour. If it doesn't would you be prepared to let me have the source code so I can look at this?


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I will release the source code when asked, but only when the app is fully developed...wich will be in a few weeks, due to some time contrains...
But, yes, you are right Andrew, the addevens is called on the setcontrols and on the language selection...
I will try to see is I can avoid this recursion...
Thank's for pointing it out...
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