B4J Library [BETA] jTelegramBot - Create your own Telegram Bot

jTelegramBot is a partially wrapper build on this github project.
This project is licensed under The MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE for more details.

Note that the development has stopped. If you miss something in the lib you need to add it by yourself. The Source is attached to this post.

links about Telegram Bots

DonManfred (Wrapper)
Version: 0.31

- To get the Example running you first need to adapt the Initialize line with your Bots Name and ApiToken.
Sub AppStart (Args() As String)
End Sub
- The Example is using Static Filenames for the Document, MP3, Photo, Sticker send.
Make sure to adapt the path and Filenames to match Files you want to use.

    If message.Text = "/buttons" Then
        Dim mark As InlineKeyboardMarkup
        Dim buttons As Message = jtb.sendMessage(jtb.byId(from.Id),"Click the Button!","MARKDOWN",False,False,message.MessageId,mark)
    else If message.Text = "/location" Then
    else If message.Text = "/url" Then
        jtb.sendMessage(jtb.byId(from.Id),"[jTelegramBot Thread](https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/jtelegrambot.103778/#post-650611)","MARKDOWN",False,False,message.MessageId,Null)
    else If message.Text = "/plainurl" Then
        bld.sendMessage(chat.Id,"Link without Preview [jTelegramBot Thread](https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/jtelegrambot.103778/#post-650611)",message.MessageId,False,True,Null,jtb.parsemodeMARKDOWN)
    else If message.Text = "/text" Then
        jtb.sendMessage(jtb.byId(from.Id),$"Testtext <b>Bold</b>, <i>Italic</i>
    new row..."$,"HTML",True,False,message.MessageId,Null)
    else If message.Text = "/document" Then
    else If message.Text = "/photo" Then
    else If message.Text = "/audio" Then
        jtb.sendAudio(jtb.byId(from.Id),jtb.MediaByFile(File.DirApp,"myaudio.mp3"),223,"Fleedwood Mac","Eyes of the World",False,message.MessageId,replbld.forceReply)
    else If message.Text = "/sticker" Then
    else If message.Text = "/start" Then
        jtb.sendMessage(jtb.byId(from.Id),$" Hello ${chat.Username}
`Command   | Result
/location | Returns a Locationobject
/document | Returns a Document
/photo    | Returns a Photo
/audio    | Returns a Audiofile
/url      | Returns a URL with Preview
/plainurl | Returns a URL without Preview
/buttons  | Shows some buttons To Click on
Thank you For choosing Me :-)"$,"MARKDOWN",False,False,message.MessageId,Null)

In this example you need to replace the following Filereferences:
- mydocument.zip
- myimage.png
- myaudio.mp3
- mysticker.webp

Due to the Size of the needed Additional JARs they can be downloaded

For any Question/Issue you have please Create a new Thread in the B4J Questionsforum.


  • BotExample.zip
    2.5 KB · Views: 1,142
  • JTelegramBotV0.31.zip
    256.4 KB · Views: 907
  • src.zip
    188 KB · Views: 808
Last edited:

Toky Olivier

Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Okay thank you. I tried directly in Telegram not opened the B4J program. I searched your name and tested it and the result is what I posted. No response from the bot.
I'll try later with the B4J program.


Licensed User
Longtime User
. I searched your name and tested it and the result is what I posted. No response from the bot.
You did wrote to my Bot? The bot is only running when i am developing the library. It is not running always. Do not expect a answer from MY Bot.

Create YOUR own bot and work with it.

Toky Olivier

Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
You did wrote to my Bot? The bot is only running when i am developing the library. It is not running always. Do not expect a answer from MY Bot.

Create YOUR own bot and work with it.
Ah okay, I see, thank you. I didn't understand it.
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