Better understanding HttpUtils.PostString


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Alright .. I have the "MS SQL Demo" code all ported over and working in my proof of concept app.

I feel like I'm missing something crucial from an "understanding" standpoint.

I understand what "HttpUtils.PostString" does. I understand how to retrieve the "query" parameter on the other side.

What I don't quite understand is - where is the parameter name "query" set at?

What if I want ONE job to use "query" and another job to use a different parameter name? I don't see where this is set at. It isn't in the ServerURL being used, it isn't part of the parameters for the PostString method...

... and while I have you all here (hehhehee), what are you guys using for the passing of username and password in this sort of situation? Are you sending in plain text? So like:

HttpUtils.PostString("Job1", "http://localhost/login.aspx", "username|password")

... and you handle the splitting of the query value ...? Are you encoding the username|password string before sending (base64, etc)? Best practice ideas?

Thanks for the help!


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There is no "query" parameter. The query parameter is an optional way to pass the query with a GET request (see the comment in the ASP code).

I did see that ... but it didn't totally make sense to me as written.

So what you are saying is:

1) Whatever is put in the third parameter of the PostString is passed purely as a string via the POST method. There is no key value pair there as with a querysting?

2) If I want to use key value pairs, I should simply call the URL with querystring built in and leave the third parameter blank?

Finally, what happens on the callback if I use querystrings? If I was going to do that, I would do it programmatically:

Httputils.PostString("Job1", serverurl & "username=" & <username variable> & "&password=" & <password variable>, "")

.. but later on when doing the Job Complete, I couldn't just check against serverurl right? I'd have to use the FULL querystring version? I'd have to build and compare the same value?

serverurl="http://localhost/process.apx" & "username=" & <username variable> & "&password=" & <password variable>
Httputils.PostString("Job1", serverurl , "")

I'm curious why HttpUtils.IsSuccess doesn't use the JOB name vice the URL ...?

Thanks again!
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B4X founder
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1) That is correct.
2) Yes, though it is also possible to send the key/value pairs as the post data (third argument). With PHP these values will appear under $_POST.
3) You can use HttpUtils.Tasks.Get(0) to get the first (and only) url. You can see an example here: OAuth 2.0 / Google web services tutorial
4) A Job can contain many Urls.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Okay, I'm feeling better in knowledge level now.

Couple last filler questions ...

1) The "job name" is arbitrary - it can be anything, right? So if a job can have multiple URLs, these are really stored as sort of an array or name/value pairs itself - but only ONE callback is done regardless?
2) Multiple URLs are handled in parallel? ANY url return within a collection under a single job could come back at any time? Are the calls threaded with each return calling the same sub isolated in its own space?

Appreciate the help.
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