Wish Better version control Integration


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i work with several groups of developers and force them to use Git for all the projects.

the problem arises when a developer changes the Main module (or activity in case of B4A) specifically in the MetaData that is written as the header of the file and the IDE hides.

File ordering and Module Ordering changes between computers (i do not identify a patron for it)

for example, git detects the following as a change:


just by opening the IDE this will change may be this order depends on how the user added those files (or modules)

May be if this cannot be fixed, this part of the code could be migrated to the metadata which i already have on ignoring.

Also another issue is with the open Tabs. of course each developer is working on different tabs but if one of us commits the tabs ordering to Git then we all going to have his tabs. it is a nuisance.


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Longtime User

I whole-heartedly agree with the contents of this ticket.

(But the thread title leaves a lot to be desired, this is neither necessarily about git nor about actual integration with git. I'm using mercurial, and the contents here is true for me also. And there are other systems out there, beside those two.)


Licensed User
Longtime User

Ok, changed


B4X founder
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Also another issue is with the open Tabs. of course each developer is working on different tabs but if one of us commits the tabs ordering to Git then we all going to have his tabs. it is a nuisance.
The tabs ordering is not saved in the main file. Try it.

The assets file are sorted lexicographically so the order should be constant as long as the same files are listed.


Licensed User
Longtime User
The tabs ordering is not saved in the main file. Try it.
you are right.

The assets file are sorted lexicographically so the order should be constant as long as the same files are listed.
okey thank you i will check that part.

may be then we only need the lexicographic order in modules. please see attached image on how the modules changed.

thank you.


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Longtime User
Do you know what caused this change?

It is a bit odd, i was able to reproduce the issue when changing the date of the computer.

this was on 23

this one on 24

Manually changed this one to 25 (tomorrow for me) and the order changed.

but to be honest. i was not able to reproduce it consistently.

Just opened and save after the date changed at the order changed.


  • upload_2019-10-24_10-57-5.png
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