Share My Creation Bible.Show WebApp powered by ABMaterial

Good day

Well, I decided to start with this app first before I do anything with this framework going forward. This has been based on my Bible.Show app from the Android Play Store.

This has been based on the experience I have gained learning the ABMaterial Framework for the past two months. This app is just a reader as everything displayed in it is based on content from a SQLite database. There is no user input. The live version is available at

Here is the source code . You will need ABMaterial 2.20 to compile the source code.



PS: Here is an accompanying CodeProject article about developing Bible.Show WebApp.
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Well-Known Member
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Your app looks really professional. Congrats.

Do you have time to answer a few questions?

I just started looking at ABMaterial and want to know how well will it work for a database app running on a phone or tablet? (CRUD)
Is it overkill to use Material Design on a phone/tablet for a database app?
Is it too slow on older devices?
What is the oldest Android version that can run it (on a phone/tablet)?
Are you going to use ABMaterial for more apps?

Keep up the good work in promoting B4X and making it look cool.


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@Widget , thanks, appreciated.

1. ABMaterial WebApps cannot be installed on the device, they run from VPS and you access them via the web.
2. There are material based libraries in the forum created by other users, so it shouldnt be an overkill. Outside B4x, Android Studio also supports Material design
3. As ABMaterial WebApps run from a VPS which will be connected to the internet, the speed of your server will be the determinant including your internet connection. With the latest ABMaterial version, there has been caching functionality that has been added that has improved the speed of the apps, but generally I believe this also depends on your server configuration.
4. If your phone has an internet browser then opening your app address from your VPS should do it.
5, Oh yes, I am already working on different apps based on the ABMaterial Framework. No turning back on that one.

For further questions that are ABMaterial framework specific, please also post questions in the forum. The originator of ABMaterial, @alwaysbusy , would also be the very most influential in helping you out.



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Licensed User
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I'm have trouble to compile the source, and I want make sure I have the right libraries and the versions correct.
maybe a copy of your library list would be great.

Thanks a lot and keep up the good work!!




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Here is the screen shot. I downloaded version 2.20 instead of using 2.17 which solved a lot of the problem, so we are looking at the moment at just one thing not sorted out.

Thanks again for your help


  • BibleScreenPrint.PNG
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Thanks but Beethoven didn't allow me to read anything.. forgot to mute it.. next time.


I am very much new to this B4A environment, just started on Monday, although I have designed codes in VB6. B4A is very much new to me. I am posting some samples that I have designed in VB6.

I need more books or sample codes on B4A, especially now I too am planning to develop Bible Software aka (WordOfLife)..

Can you post the Bible.Show app, its not available on Playstore...

Looking ahead, if you can suggest some books....


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Can you post the Bible.Show app
There is a link on the first post with the source code, its an ABM based web application.

For ABM, there are lessons here,

For everything else, click on the Learn link on the navbar of B4x. You will find videos and other things,

Documentation is also linked to

All the best and good luck!



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Thanks and Regards
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