From a bit more searching I think the way to sort the data would be through quick sort (or some similar algorithm). My dilemma now is how to tell what the smallest or largest number is out of the sorted numbers. Any ideas?
Instead of having seperate variables for each int, why not put them in a map. You can then iterate through the map to find the largest or smallest value, and retrieve its name. Have a read up on them in the docs.
Following gives you an idea of how to do. Since I don't know how you are getting your values, I can't tell you how to read them into the list, but I think you'll get the general idea.
Dim mylist As List
Dim largest_number as Double 'or Int if appropriate
mylist.Add() 'puts an item into the list. You can use AddAll if your numbers are already in an array -- refer to the tool tips as you code
'after all items are in the list, then
mylist.sort(false) 'false sorts list Descending, true sorts list Ascending,
largest_number=mylist.get(0) 'list index is zero based. Largest number will be first item in the list since we sorted Descending