Android Question BillingResult ITEM_UNAVAILABLE

SDFP Studio

Licensed User
Hi all, I need help

Item purchase became impossible in my app.

In App purchase:
Result = Starter.GoogleBilling.LaunchBillingFlow(SkuDetails.Get(0))

BillingResult IsSuccess = False, ResponseCode = ITEM_UNAVAILABLE

I think it is since I enrolled to Google Play App Signing service in order to switch to AppBundle.

I achieved to send an app bundle to Play store so I think I'm not so bad, but :
I didn't do anything with App Integrity in the console / App signing key certificate / Upload key certificate.
Do I have something to do ?
I didn't change signature.keystore since I enrolled.

Sorry for all that questions but I'm a little desperate, all these administrative tasks are so complex

Thanks for your help,


B4X founder
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I think it is since I enrolled to Google Play App Signing service in order to switch to AppBundle.
In that case you are still using the same key as before. You can see it in the App Integrity page and compare the hashes to the hash you see in the IDE under Tools - Sign Key.

Maybe the problem is somewhere else?
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SDFP Studio

Licensed User
Hello Erel and thank you for responding,

I have the same keys so it should be fine.

Second thing i did, i started adding some HMS lib code, do you think this may have any side effects?

One thing about this change is that my old build of Google didn't have a name and now since the new build is HMS I have renamed the old build to GOOGLE.
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SDFP Studio

Licensed User
What is so strange, i have the same code, called once to get the price, and i have the price (maybe or surely in local cache ?)

1st call at startup:
sf = Starter.GoogleBilling.QuerySkuDetails("inapp", Array("InAppCode"))
Wait For (sf) Billing_SkuQueryCompleted (Result As BillingResult, SkuDetailsList As List)

And when I want to do the purchase it returns ITEM_UNAVAILABLE

2nd call to make the purchase:
Dim sf As Object = Starter.GoogleBilling.QuerySkuDetails("inapp",Array("InAppCode"))
Wait For (sf) Billing_SkuQueryCompleted (Result As BillingResult, SkuDetails As List)

It surely as something to do with my Google account, i search that way, but don't see at the moment.
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SDFP Studio

Licensed User
Could you please confirm me if I'm ok.
I use iternal lib GooglePlayBiling 1.11
I copied the two files in (your link) in internal lib folder
Am I ok ?
10 days ago it was ok, I'm looking with Google.
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SDFP Studio

Licensed User
Finally the purchases are working again, it must have been a problem with my account at Google.
Thank you Erel for the answers , but if you could confirm to me that I am using the correct version of purchases lib, Thank you.
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