Binary file - retrieve image - translation possible?


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It's like this guys, I use our beloved B4PPC for precisely that because it's the obvious choice for PPC development. But at heart I'm a Pascal/Ada/Modula-2 bloke. I'm not really fond of any version of Basic and I really can't stand C derivatives, I just use those languages when I absolutely have to, such as for PPCs. But that is a separate argument for a rainy day.

Today, I'm wanting to start a PC app, so naturally Turbo Delphi 2006 is my prefered tool as it's Pascal, free and doesn't limit me on published properties for standard things like string grids etc and gives me a massive number of different controls which I can make use of.

One of the things I would like to do in this proposed app is to do the equivalent of BinaryFile.RetrieveImage. The only question is how? I tried searching the Delphi help for embedded image and got nearly 500 hits. You can't read all of them and even the ones with optimistic looking titles were utterly irrelevent. So I tried searching for "embedded image" and got zero results! Sigh! Anyone out there got any clues? Please.

I have a sinking feeling this project is dead before I start it!
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