This binary string will always contain a positive number or it can contain also a negative? It will be of a defined length (and zero filled if necessary)? How this binary number was created?
hi, yep it will always be 0 or positive! its created by string concatination on if statements
Sub AlarmActive (AlMask As String)
If Not(Main.sql1.IsInitialized) Then
Log("SQL1 Failed")
End If
Dim AlMask As String
AlMask = "00000000"
' Dim count As Int
' count = 0
Dim RS As ResultSet = Main.sql1.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM DeviceStatus INNER JOIN DeviceLive ON DeviceStatus.DeviceSN = DeviceLive.DeviceSN ")
Do While RS.NextRow
Log("DevSN; " & RS.GetInt("DeviceSN") & " EmStat; " & RS.GetInt("EmStatus"))
If RS.GetInt("EmStatus") < "4" Then
AlMask = AlMask & "0000"
Else If RS.GetInt("EmStatus") = "4" Then
AlMask = AlMask & "0001"
Else If RS.GetInt("EmStatus") = "5" Then
AlMask = AlMask & "0010"
Else If RS.GetInt("EmStatus") = "6" Then
AlMask = AlMask & "0100"
Else if RS.GetInt("EmStatus") = "7" Then
AlMask = AlMask & "1000"
End If
' Dim byteAl() As Byte = AlMask.GetBytes("UTF8") 'convert to bytes
' Log(BytesToString(byteAl, 0, byteAl.Length, "UTF8")) 'convert to string
' Dim b(1) As Byte
' Dim msg As String
' For i = 0 To byteAl.Length - 1
' b(0) = byteAl(i)
' msg = conv.HexFromBytes(b)
' Log(msg)
' Next
Return AlMask
End Sub
however it will not be a defined length, and will often return something like; 0001000000000000000100000000
The string will start with eight zeros PLUS four digits.
"00000000" + "0001" for ex.
So it will start with "000000000001" and it returns something like
00000000000110000010 is made of "00000000"+"0001"+"1000"+"0010" in case of 3 results from the database.
So the length will always be a divided by 4 (to check if we have a valid string)? And you need to convert the string to a hex for each set of 4 bits or for the full length of bits (I guess it will be the second)...
Sub BinaryToHex (Binary As String) As String
Do While Binary.Length Mod 4 <> 0
Binary = "0" & Binary
Dim res As StringBuilder
For i = 0 To Binary.Length - 1 Step 4
res.Append(Bit.ToHexString(Bit.And(0xf, Bit.ParseInt(Binary.SubString2(i, i + 4), 2))))
Return res.ToString
End Sub
Why not just send the values directly, eg: 0, 1, 2 , 4 or 8?
The repeated calls to RS.GetInt("EmStatus") are mildly painful, too. Is there a reason it can't be done just once, and the result held in a temporary Int? And then compared to Int rather than String literals.
The AlMask parameter seems to be unused. And whilst Subs have a default return type of String, which happily matches what you are returning... it might be better to codify this so that there is no ambiguity, eg:
Thankyou @emexes for the recommendation of setting the sub to return string. The reason for the binary is I'm interfacing with a system that assigns lines in a specific way for example the first digit in the binary represents line 1, the second line 2 the third line 3 and so on. Annoyingly because of this I need all the 0s as they are, the final binary then needs to be converted as a whole to hex. Sadly i have no ability to change the way i get to interface with this device, hence the strange binary hex combo!
Sorry to be a pain guys, I'm still floundering here, with a string of binary e.g. 000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000 I need to convert the whole thing to hex e.g. 2000000 I've used @Erel 's code further up but get 2000000 instead from my binary string? I might be being very thick here but does that step through and convert each 4 digits or the whole string?
So using the code snippet you kindly provided I successfully turned my string into hex however it was 2 decimal places out? 2000000 instead of 200000000.
I was wandering whether this is as it converts each block of 4 digits as opposed to the string as a whole? if so how would I change it?
with a string of binary e.g. 000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000 I need to convert the whole thing to hex e.g. 2000000 I've used @Erel 's code further up but get 2000000 instead from my binary string?
You are expecting e.g. 2000000 but you get 2000000 instead??? I am with Erel on this, ie: those numbers are the same, so we don't understand the problem.
does that step through and convert each 4 digits or the whole string?
If we put commas in to group the digits, similar to grouping decimal digits by 1,000s (working left, from the right end... not that it matters here, since the number of digits is a multiple of 4 anyway):