B4J Code Snippet Bind Jetty to desired network interface + get network interfaces


Is there any way to make Jetty to use only WIFI interface or only ethernet interface?

Example: if I disconnect ethernet, and start Jetty, it will take IP from WiFi, but if I start it when both interfaces are up and connected it will use ethernet as default.

So, how can I give him the instructions which interface he should use.




This is the way to set desired IP when you know it in advance.

How can I know which address is from WiFi interface? I mean in a dynamic way because server isn't always running in a same environment.

How can I make this totally automated without any config files or anything?

Maybe to use console input or is there a way to avoid it and make everything fully automated?

Thank you!!


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This code will return the network interfaces and their addresses:
Sub Process_Globals
    Type NetworkInterface (Name As String, DisplayName As String, Address As String)
End Sub

Sub AppStart (Args() As String)
    Log("Hello world!!!")
End Sub

Private Sub GetNetworkInterfacesWithIp4Address As List
    Dim NetworkInterface As JavaObject
    Dim Collections As JavaObject
    Dim res As List
    Dim interfaces As List = Collections.RunMethod("list", Array(NetworkInterface.RunMethod("getNetworkInterfaces", Null)))
    For Each interface As JavaObject In interfaces
        Dim ni As NetworkInterface
        ni.Name = interface.RunMethod("getName", Null)
        ni.DisplayName = interface.RunMethod("getDisplayName", Null)
        Dim Addresses As List = Collections.RunMethod("list", Array(interface.RunMethod("getInetAddresses", Null)))
        For Each add As JavaObject In Addresses
            If GetType(add) = "java.net.Inet4Address" Then
                ni.Address = add.RunMethod("getHostAddress", Null)
            End If
        If ni.Address <> "" Then res.Add(ni)
    Return res
End Sub
The name will start with wlan for wireless networks.
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