I'm trying to create an application several days ago to see my balance in bittrex (https://bittrex.com), see my open orders, etc.
The code I am using is a modified version of the code that I find here Connecting securely with HttpUtils2?
The code I'm testing is this:
I have played by changing several things, but nothing works. I always get the same answer:
¿What could be the problem?
I'm trying to create an application several days ago to see my balance in bittrex (https://bittrex.com), see my open orders, etc.
The code I am using is a modified version of the code that I find here Connecting securely with HttpUtils2?
The code I'm testing is this:
Sub ButtonLogin_Click
' $apikey='xxx';
' $apisecret='xxx';
' $nonce=time();
' $uri='https://bittrex.com/api/v1.1/market/getopenorders?apikey='.$apikey.'&nonce='.$nonce;
' $sign=hash_hmac('sha512',$uri,$apisecret);
' $ch = curl_init($uri);
' curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, Array('apisign:'.$sign));
' $execResult = curl_exec($ch);
' $obj = json_decode($execResult);
Dim API_Key As String
Dim API_Secret As String
Dim nonce As Int
Dim Post_URL As String
Dim sign() As Byte
Dim API_Signed As String
Dim Byte_Conv As ByteConverter
Dim Post_Data As String
Dim uri As String
EditTextJson.Text = ""
EditTextOut.Text = ""
Post_URL = "https://bittrex.com/api/v1.1/market/getopenorders"
Post_Data = "apikey=" & API_Key & "&nonce=" & nonce
'Read Only
' $apikey='xxx';
API_Key = "00e2ccecef704aa683563f6bb91567e8"
' $apisecret='xxx';
API_Secret = "224559c2a1c14200938dc9bf5bb69d4b"
' $nonce=time();
nonce = DateTime.Now/1000
' $uri='https://bittrex.com/api/v1.1/market/getopenorders?apikey='.$apikey.'&nonce='.$nonce;
uri = Post_URL & "?apikey=" & API_Key & "&nonce=" & nonce
' $sign=hash_hmac('sha512',$uri,$apisecret);
sign = HashHmac(uri, API_Secret)
API_Signed = Byte_Conv.HexFromBytes(sign) 'convert to HEX
API_Signed = API_Signed.ToLowerCase
Dim job_GetInfo As HttpJob
job_GetInfo.Initialize("job_GetInfo", Me)
job_GetInfo.PostString(Post_URL, Post_Data)
job_GetInfo.GetRequest.SetHeader("apisign", API_Signed)
job_GetInfo.GetRequest.SetHeader("apikey", API_Key)
'Stuff that appears unnecessary but since others use it.....
job_GetInfo.GetRequest.SetHeader("User-Agent","Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; Cryptsy API B4A client)")
End Sub
private Sub jobDone (job1 As HttpJob)
If (job1.JobName == "job_GetInfo" ) Then
End Try
End If
End Sub
Sub HashHmac(data As String, secret As String) As Byte()
Dim m As Mac 'm As Message Authentication Code
Dim kg As KeyGenerator 'kg As KeyGenerator
kg.Initialize("HmacSHA512") 'initialize kg using HmacSHA512 algorithm
kg.KeyFromBytes(secret.GetBytes("UTF8")) 'encode string "secret" to an array of Bytes using UTF8
m.Initialise("HmacSHA512", kg.Key) 'initialize m using HmacSHA512 algorithm and the secret key
m.Update(data.GetBytes("UTF8")) 'encodes post data to an array of Bytes and loads it to be signed
Return m.Sign 'sign the loaded data using the secret key, return the calc signature data
End Sub
I have played by changing several things, but nothing works. I always get the same answer:
- The Key and the Secret are real, but safe (only for tests, only allow reading, no trading, no margin trading, no withdrawal).
- Information about the bittrex api can be found here https://bittrex.com/home/api
- Required libraries: Encryption, ByteConverter, OkHttp and OkHttpUtils2
¿What could be the problem?
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