Android Question Blackview A60 folders name


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In the Blackview A60 (Android Go OS) the folder DirRootExternal isn't /storage/emulated/0/ but /storage/47C3-C25B that it isn't accessible.
How B4A obtains the information of folders?

Giovanni Rossati


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Thanks Manfred
my problem isn't access an sd card buat why my Blackview hasn't the folder /storage/emulated/0/, or, a specular question, why B4A DirRootExternal can't discover a real folder of generic device?
regards John
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Thanks Erel

Excuse me, my problem was the lack of authorizations and trying to solve it I searched, by the X-plore application, the folder /storage/emulated /0/ but I didn't find it.

After the correct authorizations the folder is accessible and the data written in it, according to X-plore, are in the /mnt/sdcard folder.

So /storage/emulated /0/ is an alias for /mnt/sdcard?
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